made in wisconsin graphic

Artisan-crafted pet gear, made in Wisconsin. Really.

You won't find any "made in China" labels here. Every product* in our store is made by us, a wife-and-husband team, right here in central Wisconsin. Pass the 🍺 beer and 🧀 cheese curds, please! #goPackgo

We purchase raw materials (sourced domestically and internationally) and measure, cut, sew, personalize, pack, and ship it all ourselves. Nearly all orders are made after you click "buy", which allows us to offer an insane number of options and customization possibilities.

Our founder, Diana, handles all of the websites, purchasing, research & design, and customer service. Her better half, Craig, rocks much of the sewing, machine maintenance, and network maintenance.

We've been making (p)awesome pet gear since 2009 and have sent tens of thousands of collars all over the world!

* Well, almost every product; we do offer a handful of tags, toys, & treats that are carefully curated from other small, US-based businesses.

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Breakaway collars help prevent collar strangulation