FAQ - Shipping - I never received my package

If your package still shows "in transit" but it is more than 7 days past the estimated delivery date, please reach out to us to let us know.

If your package was marked delivered and it's been more than 1 or 2 days, see MISSING DELIVERED PACKAGES.

If more than 60 days have passed and you have not contacted us about a package that is marked delivered, regrettably at this point we cannot offer any support. USPS recycles tracking numbers, and we see fraud attempts with increasing frequency in this type of situation. You MUST notify us of a missing package within 60 days of the estimated delivery date, but ideally within 10 days so we can make a note of it.

It is the customers responsibility to provide a safe delivery location. If you have been victim to mail/package theft in the past, please provide a secure shipping address (like a PO box or place of business) for your order AND file a police report for the missing package(s).