Leash Add-On Options

Most of our leashes can be upgraded to suit your needs!
Not all options are available on all products. This list shows them all, but please see each product page for available options.

Biothane leash add-ons will have slightly different constructions but the function will be the same. Photos coming soon!

leash with all the upgrades

Rubberized Grip Handles provide cushion and comfort. Latex-free.

rubberized grip handles

Additional D-ring sewn in at the handle for hanging your keys, waste bags, or anything else you need close at-hand.

additional d-ring


Trigger snaps - in place of traditional bolt-snaps. Trigger snaps are often easier to actuate for handlers wearing gloves or with mobility issues. They also have a lower failure and breakage rate, and are less prone to freezing up in cold weather than traditional bolt-snaps.

trigger snaps


Traffic handles allow you to keep Fido close in situations that require it. Essentially, enjoy a short leash built-in to a longer leash!

traffic handle